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(Note:  Spring 2023.  This new page on Michael Nash is in the process of upcoming expansion with both more imagery and quality audio video Performances. So, stay tuned in and visit back often!)

Michael often works or performs on the streets in Busker fashion, as also does our visual artist/painter Gary Brown with sax, keyboard, drums. 

The Busker street musician dynamic has come to be respected as a major musical venue of both our time, and of that of all musical and art history. 

       (Scroll down for more images)

Michael Nash has been associated with the Art Project for the last decade through intersecting with us in the community, and also through his involvement with Aileen Getty's past GettLove Program, and also the Housing Works agency, with whom our Art Works, Hollywood studio period, was aligned.

However, Michael and Art Works Continuum have recently, (2023) begun a more direct focus on some musical, as well as visual, projects, and this section will be expanded with images of Michael performing, interviews, and vimeo or youtube videos. 

"Child of God". watercolor on paper 2021


"Peace". watercolor on paper 2021


Michael Baby Blues Nash 2022
more of Michael's visual and audio work coming soon.

_Michael Nash 2022 photo of by daughter_vs.2plus_then_filtergallery.jpg
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