Lamp Art Project
Art Works Continuum's beginnings & continuum: Skid Row 1998
"Cecilia-Sonya" by Magdalena Astrid Dahlen. graphite pencil on paper + hand rendered etching stylus on zinc plate
(our earliest, to current, Logo Image for Lamp Art Project through Art Works Continuum)
from an early Lamp Art Project poster:

lamp art project:
Art Works Continuum: Our history as the original LAMP ART PROJECT, SKID ROW 1998-2008, and its continued impact on Skid Row's STUDIO 526 to this date, some 20 years later, and separate but parallel evolution as Art Works Continuum.
This portion of the website shall be greatly expanded including a resurrection of the internationally award winning Lamp Art Project . Org website, many images of which you shall find as you scroll down this page.
Stated differently, LAMP ART PROJECT today is embodied in both ART WORKS CONTINUUM, (headed by artist/activist RORY WHITE, founder of Lamp Art Project, in conjunction with, and authorized by Lamp founders and visionaries MOLLIE LOWERY, ARIANA MANOV, FRANK RICE, and then Deputy Director, RAY ALVAREZ, PATRICIA LOPEZ, MICHELLE YU and others)...and also in its historic origins continuing to the current: STUDIO 526 (in conjunction with the People Concern) led for its next 13 years by community arts advocate HAYK MAKHMURYAN,
and now by ALICE CORONA.
Furthermore: CLANCEY CORNELL, artist activist and archivist, known for her work with the amazing Skid Row History Museum and Archive (part of L.A. Poverty Department/"LAPD", pun-intended) is involved, in a project headed by Hayk Makhmuryan, in developing an Artist's Storage Space, to meet a huge need for the artists served, particularly in Skid Row, but also expanded Community. Titled Community Arts Depot. ​
(This portion of the website shall both deal with the history of Lamp Art Project, and Art Works Continuum and attempt to chronicle dynamic interrelationships continuing between the projects, as well as other Skid Row community dynamics.
Furthermore this website shall also expand upon our yet earlier (early 1970's + through today) history including as an important part of the Women's Prison Project, (founded by the late Dr. Karlene Faith Ph.D. and other University of California at Santa Cruz Pioneering, and in the highest sense of the term, Radical, Feminist Activists).
Through these visionaries, and their inclusion of a very few male educators (Paul Krassner, Rory White, Bill Barlow, and Joseph Allen "Country Joe" MacDonald), and specifically it's Art Program, a full credit University of California Extension Class and a unique program bridging the University of California and its teaching resources and California Institution for Women, Corona/Chino, California, as a National Model Arts Program in the 1970's.
Also our History as ART WORKS project, a part of Housing Works, and ART WORKS being specifically seed funded by AILEEN GETTY, and the AILEEN GETTY FOUNDATION.